Tub Tim Krob ( Sweet Truffle Dish)

Tub Tim Krob ( Sweet Truffle Dish )

Tum Tim Krob is suitable for hot climates. Sweet honey water,mixed with coconut and topped with ice,
will freshen you up in minutes. Use only fresh coconut milk,wich will enhance its taste.

It made from water chestnuts,truffle or yambean ( through the truffle version is tastier) . Soak it in tapioca flour, which shouldn't be too thick. The tapioca flour should only act as a coating. Add it to boiling
water and then to cold water to get in to harden. The coating will  henance its apprearance. Top it with
coconut milk,which gives it a lovely fragrance, and mix it with syrup.

    • Water chestnuts canned          1/2 cup
    • Tapioca flour                             1 cup
    • Red food colouring                 1-2  drops
    • Syrup                                     1/2  cup
    • Coconut milk                          1/2  cup
    • Ice,crushed                                1 cup
    • Syrup   Sugar                             3  cups
    • Jasmin water or red rose water

      - Dice water chestnuts into 1/2 cm.cubes. Toss the diced water chestnuts into a bowl.
      - Pour the tapioca flour and the water chestnut into a plastic bag and shake well. Transfer
        to a plate and separate the water chestnuts gentle if they stick together.
      - Drop the coated water chestnuts into boiling water. Boil until they float to the top and use a
        strainer to transfer the water chestnuts to very cool water.
      - Drain to dry, and pour into the bowl containing coconut cream. Allow to cool and refrigerate.
      - Serve in suitable dessert bowls with the syrup and crushed ice.

Syryp  - Dissolve the sugar in a sauce pan of white jasmine water and heat to boiling.
          - Simmer for 15 minutes, and strain with a white thin cloth. Leave to cool.
          - Float with white jasmind bud or red rose petal cover and refrigerate overnight before serving.

 *** Use canned water chestnut,better than more convenient than fresh water chestnut.


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