
Showing posts from October, 2010

Nang Led

Nang Led is Thai dessert which made of stricky rice, it was knowed since long time ago in Thai history for how to preserve food. Ingredients Glutinous rice                     1/2  cup Sugar                              1 1/4  cup Hydrogenated fat                1/4  cup Food coloring Frying oil Preparation     - Steam the rice, form into flat,round form, dry.     - Fry the dried rice until golden brown.     - Beat the fat and sugar together, add the desired color the decorate the fried rice pieces, then finish. You should keep Nang Led  in the bottle or use plastic wrapping. ...

Phanaeng Goong (Prawns in Thick Curry )

Phanaeng Goong ( Prawns in Thick Curry ) Phanaeng is a central food that liked by all. The paste used in the dish is different from the ones commonly used for curries, although you can buy it almost enywhere.Add chicken stock to the gravy to enhance its taste. Ingredients Prawns ,cleaned               400 g. Phanaeng curry paste           2 tbs. Cooking oil                           2 tbs. Coconut milk                     150 g. Palm suger                           2 tbs. Fish sauce  ...

Kanom Tien Kaew

Kanom Tien Kaew is a fine nice color dessert, it has softly taste that you can serve with tea and coffee in every occasions. Ingredients Bean flour                 1    cup Sugar                        1/2 cup Fresh flower              6    cups Med Kanoon filling     1    cup Banana leaf or thin plastic sheets to wrap the dessert Preparation              -  Form small balls of the filling              - Dissolve the bean flour into the scented water, strain and cook until thickened,add suger.      ...

Med Kanoon (Jackfruit Seed)

Med Kanoon is Thai dessert which is oftens used in manies Thai ceremony.Because its sweet taste means for smooth life forever then you always see this in wedding ceremony. Ingredients Streamed, skinned mung bean                                           2 cups Thick coconut milk,squeezed with jasmin scented water  1 cup Large grain suger                                                             5 cups Jasmine scented water      ...

Tod Man Pla

Tod Man Pla ( Deep Fried Fish Patties) Since last recipe, I am still more busy and didn't post more return to you with Tod Man Pla which is often also added to the country's list of favourite manu items. This delicacy's unique flavour comes from the stickiness of the pounded feather-backed fish, so be sure to squeeze the fish meat well, until it becomes sticky. Keep on adding salt water at intervals while ponding. Ingredients ( 4 persons) 300 g.                    Fish fillet 100 g.                    coconut milk 2 tbs.                     red curry paste 3 tbs.                ...